Friday, March 02, 2007

Lettering My Thoughts

I wipe a thick layer of dust from my post box. It has been lying that way for the past 9 years. Bright and sparkling, it had remained a loyal carrier of all my letters, cards…and now, time and technology seemed to have taken a toll. It’s been quite sometime since I received a hand written letter. With a flurry of e-mails flooding my inbox, the inlands and postcards have been forgotten.
I remember how eagerly I used to wait for the postman to deliver my letters, especially during summer vacations when my cousins and friends could find time to write. And of course during brithdays and festivals, the postbox used to be filled with bright coloured greeting cards. Ad then came the era of sending letters with scented paper, pens, musical cards, handmade cards…It used be so thrilling to read a handwritten letter.
Yes, e-mails have certainly made it easier for us to get in touch with a lot of old friends and to remain in constant touch. But somehow, the magic of a personal touch does not exist. Birthdays are celebrated through virtual wishes these days. The joy one receives when he/she gets a card from a friend is beyond words. There were times when I used to decorate letters with colour pens, sparkles etc. Cards were also made with glitters, flowers, stickers..
We used to have courses on the ‘Art of Letter Writing’. The art seems to be vanishing soon. My postbox seems to be leading an insipid life these days having been filled with premium receipts, mobile bills, credit card statements, notices et al.
It waits..patiently for that day..for one single handwritten letter to breathe in a whiff of fresh air…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I sent you one personally handwritten in this email age.... bt no response for it!!